In a recent article, Emin Gün Sirer, a computer science professor at Cornell University, argues that the United States was able to win the first wave of the internet revolution because it enabled responsible innovation. He believes that the country must now do the same with blockchain technology if it wants to remain a leader in the digital economy. Here are the most important points from his article:
1. Responsible innovation is key to success
According to Sirer, responsible innovation is the key to success in any technological revolution. He argues that the United States was able to win the first wave of the internet revolution because it created an environment that encouraged responsible innovation. This meant that companies were able to experiment and innovate without fear of excessive regulation or legal action.
2. Blockchain technology requires responsible innovation
Sirer believes that blockchain technology requires the same kind of responsible innovation that enabled the success of the internet. He argues that blockchain has the potential to revolutionize many industries, but this potential can only be realized if companies are allowed to experiment and innovate without excessive regulation or legal action.
3. The United States must lead the way
Sirer believes that the United States must lead the way in responsible blockchain innovation if it wants to remain a leader in the digital economy. He argues that other countries, such as China, are already investing heavily in blockchain technology and creating environments that encourage innovation. If the United States does not do the same, it risks falling behind in this important area.
In summary, Emin Gün Sirer argues that responsible innovation was key to the success of the first wave of the internet revolution and will be equally important for blockchain technology. He believes that the United States must lead the way in creating an environment that encourages responsible blockchain innovation if it wants to remain a leader in the digital economy.